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Final De Los Tiempos, El

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Después de tres décadas de gestación, la fantástica conclusión de la serie de Crónicas de la Tierra reúne el pasado y el presente para ofrecer una visión radical del futuro. Hace treinta años, Zecharia Sitchin cuestionó las ideas oficiales sobre el origen de la Tierra y del hombre. En una serie de provocadores libros titulada Las Crónicas de la Tierra, Sitchin ofreció una nueva teoría, una teoría radical, basada en indiscutibles pruebas documentales, sobre la existencia de unos seres extraterrestres, los anunnaki, que llegaron a la Tierra hace varios milenios para plantar la semilla genética de la humanidad. En su triunfante obra final, Sitchin cierra el círculo y paralelamente explora la insidiosa pregunta que nos viene acosando desde hace milenios, y que desde el profeta Daniel hasta Sir Isaac Newton han intentado responder: ¿cuándo llegará el final? / Lot of people have been waiting for this book for a long time. Thirty years ago, Sitchin began writing the Earth Chronicle series, which posits the theory (supposedly recorded in Sumerian myth) that extraterrestrials, the Aununnaki, arrived on Earth eons ago and genetically engineered humans. Much of this book is taken up with backstory, but that doesn't mean newbies can just jump in. Although Sitchin helpfully highlights key points in boldface, there's a lot to keep straight here. Readers attempting to deal with a couple hundred thousand years of history, ancient astronauts becoming human gods, and Sitchin's attempt to tie it all into biblical prophecies may wish they were on another planet. Yet the series has legions of devoted fans who have been waiting to learn if the Aununnaki are coming back and, if so, when. Sitchin notes that it's hard to determine where to start the countdown to the end days, which may be tied to the Aununnaki's reappearance. It might come in 2012. Too soon? How about 2087? Taking the long view? Try 2240. There's more, a lot more, but we won't risk a spoiler.

Zecharia Sitchin


320 Paginas

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